Prioritizing the Left Hand
Piano Tips
Music TheoryPiano TipsPiano Trivia
Real Piano Teacher vs. Synthesia for Piano Learning
by Jazer Leeby Jazer LeeThe Guiding Hand: Real Piano Teacher vs. Synthesia for Piano Learning The pursuit of piano mastery is a journey that requires guidance, discipline, and interest. In today’s digital age, aspiring…
Music TheoryPiano Tips
Effective Time Management for Piano Learning and Practice
by Jazer Leeby Jazer LeeStriking the Right Chord: Effective Time Management for Piano Learning and Practice Learning to play the piano is a rewarding and enriching endeavor. I always say that it requires dedication,…
Tips & Techniques Hand Exercises for the Piano How to Alleviate Tension and Pain. In one of the many comments I get from my YouTube channel, many complain about the…
Get Ready for Piano Practice TIPS & EXERCISES Are you the type that just immediately sit on the piano bench and start practicing? Or do you take a few minutes…
On Mastering Piano Scales Piano Technique Do you find piano scales daunting? Being able to play scales effortless is a crucial component of becoming a skilled pianist. Scales are fundamental…
Piano Techniques for Players with Small Hands Tips for Players and Students Alike Piano Techniques One of the many complaints that I hear from my students is that they lament…
My Take on Proper Piano Practice Practice Tips Throughout the years, I have fielded questions from my students about how long does one practice. Is 10 minutes enough? How about…
Performance Jitters? Here’s How to Prepare for a Recital Piano Technique & Tips 1. Practice Slowly (AAR Method) Do you practice mindlessly for hours regularly? Well, this wouldn’t work when…
A lot of my followers and students on my social media accounts especially on YouTube ask me, “Jazer, how do I learn how to sight read? Why am I finding…